
Basting and rudeness

Basting a huge bed cover (2.30*2.50) in the basement, while thinking about rudeness.

Just by posting pictures of this beautiful project I've learned more about some of my friends than I've learned in years knowing them. I find it rather rude to suggest that someones project would look good in someone elses bed room.

Next person to "hint" in that direction will be informed of price (darn expensive) and delivery time (about a year).

Now back to basting!


Looks bad, doesn't it?

Non alcoholic beer - a quilters best friend in the summer! 

But it sure looks bad if you're not quick at throwing the bottles away.

...and quilting!

One piece of orange binding, and this one's finished as well. And since I'm heading for a two week quilt retreat on Saturday the timing is perfekt! One UFO less to bring. :)


Today I've finally washed the give-away quilt. And since my first quilt never been cleaned either she got to go for a spin as well (two yrs old). Now they're both beautiful in the dark wet colour kind of way.


Lazy Sunday

Absinthe, binding and Sherlock!! Great way to end the weekend.

Baby sisters graduation was on Friday so spent a lot of hours in the car and then being social to family. Today is my resting day...